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You Did Not Get Robbed of an Education. You Were Just Too Stupid and Lazy.

March 17, 2019

There’s this meme going around, and there’s a lot of different versions, but it goes something like “They taught me a bunch of useless math in high school, why didn’t they teach me something useful like how to do my taxes or take out a loan or start a business?” Oh gawd, where to begin? I guess first of all, all of those things require math. And second, you couldn’t pay attention in math class, what makes you suddenly think you would have paid attention in a home economics class? Oh and by the way, THEY DID TEACH THAT STUFF IN HIGH SCHOOL, it was an elective called Home Economics and instead you took the same art class...three different times! Stop blaming the education system for your poor life skills and laziness during high school. Doing your taxes is not very hard. Nor is taking out a loan. Oh, you don’t understand terms like ‘compound interest’? If only you’d paid attention during math class! The education system isn’t perfect by any means, but you don’t get to complain about your lack of life skills when you were too privileged and lazy to even pay attention to the basics.


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