Just Go Die Please
July 23, 2021
The experts say that it doesn’t help to tell anti vaxxers that they are stupid. Even though they are really stupid. So I’m not going to tell you all how totally totally stupid you are. I will absolutely refrain from mentioning your complete and total moronic incompetence, ignorance, dumbness, idiocy and/or your naïveté. Instead I would like to mention your selfishness. Like complete and total self absorbed narcissism. It’s one thing if you want to jump off a cliff by yourself. In fact please do, society could use a little Darwinian house cleaning. That would be great But it’s another thing entirely if you want to jump off a cliff while strapped to your grandparents and any young kids you’re exposed to or immuno-compromised people who can’t get vaccinated. Your belief that you are special and you have the inside digs on the actual science and you’re smarter than the experts and your utter fucking delusional narcissism risks other peoples health and lives! Your selfish misinformed disregard for the health and safety of, oh I don’t know, EVERY OTHER FUCKING PERSON is quite literally sickening to me. And everyone else. Not to mention how you’re slowing down the reopening of society and the overall economy and the actual freedom and liberty of everyone else but you. Pull your collective heads out of your collective asses you selfish fucking narcissists! And if you made it this far into my rant I must also mention that yes, you are stupid. Like really really really fucking stupid. Now do please go get vaccinated Or better yet do us all a favor and go jump off that fucking cliff. Alone.