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UFOs Require a Lack of Imagination

March 7, 2019

People sometimes ask me why I don’t believe in UFOs. Aside from a lack of credible evidence, the shear size of space makes physical ships for interstellar travel kind of silly. In fact, if you think about it, the massive distances and physical/temporal constraints required for interstellar travel makes physical bodies of any kind laughable. Ironically the thought of UFOs for space travel requires a complete lack of imagination. Interstellar space travel will require neither ships nor bodies. With the current trajectory of technology we will likely interface our brains to our computers a long time before we create ships that can traverse even our solar system, let alone to other stars. Our brains will leave our bodies before our bodies will leave our solar system. Spaceships are unnecessary and primitive. Understanding the nature of consciousness and spacetime is far more important to space travel than ships. Space travel will likely look a lot more like A Wrinkle in Time than it will Star Wars or Star Trek. I don’t believe in UFOs for a lot of reasons but primarily because they are a primitive answer to a futuristic challenge. Deep thoughts for the day, now I must get back to Star Trek PS please don’t fill my inbox with ‘articles’ purporting evidence of alien contact. They are stupid and I won’t read them.


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