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Idiocracy is the Endgame of Democracy

April 6, 2019

Windmills don’t cause cancer, the earth isn’t flat, vaccines cure diseases. Why are we even talking about this stupid shit? Why are these the articles that fill my “news” feed. The internet was supposed to make us more informed, more connected. Instead we are, like, totally way more stupider. Who needs an education when you can just google it? Who needs facts when you’ve got conspiracy theories? Who needs a president when you can watch a dumpster fire? Why learn anything new when the interwebs will happily confirm your biases? I used to be an optimist and believe that people are good and we’re all better when we come together. I’m not so sure any more; There’s a lot of real genuine stupid out there. Democracy of information is kind of frightening when there’s a plurality of stupid. Idiocracy is here. “On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."


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