Be Like William
May 12, 2020
Between 1606 and 1610 The Globe Theater was only open a few months. Because bubonic plague. Instead of being a whiny little cunt (I can say that, this is renaissance England) and showing up at the town square with a musket, playing dress up army guy and complaining about tyranny, Shakespeare went home and wrote Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest. Humans have endured far worse for far longer than any of us and they didn’t complain about having to wear a mask to the store. Oh, and produced some of the greatest works in human history. So buckle up buttercup, get crackin on that novel, paint me a painting, learn to program music, do that thing you’ve always said you’d do if you only had the time. It ain’t so bad. Shakespeare had never even heard of toilet paper and look what he did (I mean it about the painting, I need some new art)